Graphic Design
Our modern institution is interested in cultivating an environment where young students can come together and learn in a creative and flexible environment. We work collaboratively with our students to achieve outstanding results.
Opatentowany zabieg Nanobrazja – prewencja starzenia i frakcyjnej odnowy skóry
Our modern institution is interested in cultivating an environment where young students can come together and learn in a creative and flexible environment. We work collaboratively with our students to achieve outstanding results.
Technik masażysta
Akademia MSP Ochrony Zdrowia i Urody realizuje autorski program nauczania. Nauka trwa 2 lata, czyli 4 semestry. Zajęcia odbywają się w trybie zaocznym, w piątek, sobotę i niedzielę. Kształcenie zakończone jest egzaminem zawodowym. Absolwent otrzymuje świadectwo ukończenia Akademii MSP Ochrony Zdrowia i Urody, oraz państwowy dyplom potwierdzający kwalifikacje w zawodzie Technik masażysta
Szkoła Kosmetytki Profesjonalnej
Nauka trwa 2 lata, czyli 4 semestry. Zajęcia odbywają się w trybie zaocznym, w sobotę i niedzielę co 2 tygodnie Kształcenie zakończone jest egzaminem [...]
Smart-Aging w Medycynie Estetycznej
Our modern institution is interested in cultivating an environment where young students can come together and learn in a creative and flexible environment. We work collaboratively with our students to achieve outstanding results.
Music Production
Our modern institution is interested in cultivating an environment where young students can come together and learn in a creative and flexible environment. We work collaboratively with our students to achieve outstanding results.
Graphic Design
Our modern institution is interested in cultivating an environment where young students can come together and learn in a creative and flexible environment. We work collaboratively with our students to achieve outstanding results.
Sports Science
Our modern institution is interested in cultivating an environment where young students can come together and learn in a creative and flexible environment. We work collaboratively with our students to achieve outstanding results.
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